March 1st
Portland OR
Come chat about our book with Anneliese at NogginFest! She will be selling DOAS merch and art from other scient-artists at our booth, and giving a talk about researching octopus and how that inspired us to create a children’s book.
Science Communication Research Symposium
University of Oregon
Angelique presented a poster on the book at University of Oregon’s annual Science Communication Research Symposium and enjoyed talks by other scientists and artists who are passionate about science communication.
Angelique gave a talk about her research on how octopus think about what they see, her scientific journey, and the positive impact of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) on society. Click on the picture below to watch her talk!
After the talk, Angelique and Anneliese ran a booth where they sold merch made by scient-artists!
OMSI After Dark Life in Miniature
Portland OR

OMSI After Dark: Life in the Miniature
Zoom in and take a closer look at life on the micro scale – from insects to tardigrades, and the microorganisms that helped craft your beer. What will you discover, under the microscope?
OMSI After Dark is for guests 21 and over, where you can have a drink while you roam the museum. We have science demos, performances, DJs, artisan food and beverage vendors offering samples, and more.